Types of Clouds Crossword Puzzle

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  • cumulus: fluffy, white clouds with a flat base
  • stratus: low, gray clouds covering the sky like a blanket
  • cirrus: thin, wispy clouds high in the sky
  • nimbostratus: thick, dark clouds bringing continuous rain
  • altostratus: gray or blue-gray clouds usually covering the whole sky
  • cumulonimbus: towering clouds associated with thunderstorms
  • cirrostratus: thin, ice-crystal clouds covering the sky
  • altocumulus: white or gray clouds forming a layer
  • stratocumulus: low, lumpy clouds covering the sky
  • cirrocumulus: small, white patches of clouds often arranged in rows
  • cumulus congestus: towering cumulus clouds that grow vertically
  • cirrostratus: thin, high-altitude clouds covering the sky like a veil
  • nimbocumulus: rain-bearing cumulus clouds
  • lenticular: lens-shaped clouds typically forming over mountain ranges
  • mammatus: pouch-like cloud formations hanging from the underside of a cloud
  • fog: low-lying stratus clouds at ground level
  • altostratus: mid-level clouds covering the sky and often signaling rain
  • stratus fractus: fragmented, ragged stratus clouds
  • virga: clouds with precipitation that evaporates before reaching the ground
  • contrails: cloud-like trails formed by aircraft in the sky