Biodiversity Review Crossword Puzzle

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Biodiversity Review Crossword Puzzle

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  • biodiversity: variety of life and organisms in a habitat or ecosystem
  • genetic diversity: biological variation that occurs within a species
  • food web: diagram that shows how organisms are interconnected
  • hot spots: locations with a lot of diversity are referred to as these
  • food chain: shows how each living thing gets food and how nutrients are passed from species to species
  • decomposer: living things that get their energy by breaking down dead plants and animals
  • consumer: living things that do not make their own food; they get their energy from eating food
  • species: organisms that are able to reproduce with each other and exchange genes are the same _
  • producer: living things that make their own food from the sun, water, and soil
  • endemic species: can only be found at one specific geographic location (i.e. island)
  • community: plants and animals that live together in a habitat form this
  • habitat: natural home or environment for a plant