Identification & Adaptation Crossword Puzzle

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Identification & Adaptation Crossword Puzzle

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  • adaptation : process by which a population becomes better suited to its environmentt by increasing the frequencies of alleles that provide benefits to survival and reproduction
  • species : group of organisms with similar characteristics that are able to interbreed or exchange genetic material
  • taxonomy : branch of science that formally names and classifies organisms by their structure, function, and relationships
  • trait : characteristic of an organism;can be genetic or acquired
  • migration : movement to a different geographical region where conditions are more favorable
  • selective breeding _ : a form of artificial selection whereby deliberate breeding results in desired traits in plants or animals
  • hibernation : a slowed physiological state of an organism to survive long periods of cold temperature or reduced food supplies
  • variation : occurrence of an organism, trait, or gene in more than one form
  • hybrid : an offspring resulting from the cross of two different species or subspecies
  • generation : organisms of the same species that are at the same level of descent from a common ancestor
  • population : group of interacting individuals of the same species located in the same area
  • dichotomous key : tool used to sort organisms by paired similarities or differences based on a series of questions
  • physiology : study of internal and external functions of living systems
  • natural selection : a process by which organisms with favorable traits produce more successful offspring than organisms with less favorable traits, causing the favorable traits to become more common in the population