Ecology & Environment Crossword Puzzles

Free printable environment crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.

Showing 91-120 of 294 records

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Droughts crossword puzzle

a long period when people living in a particular area do not have enough food, and many of them suffer and die, an artificial lake where water is …

Food Chain crossword puzzle
Food Chain

an organism that needs to eat other organisms for food, an animal that eats plants, an animal that hunts or eats other animals, an animal that eats …

Hydrosphere crossword puzzle

the property of water that allows objects to sink even big ships, the water that contains salts and minerals, the water that can be found in glaciers …

Ocean Exploration crossword puzzle
Ocean Exploration

a private room on a ship where you can sleep, to find your way on the sea, last name of the first man who traveled from europe to asia by sea, type of …

Ecology Review crossword puzzle
Ecology Review

all members of a particular species within an ecosystem, symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits and one is harmed, non living factors of …

Weathering and Soil crossword puzzle
Weathering and Soil

an amorphous hydrated ferric oxide, varying in color from dark brown to yellow, used as an ore of iron, soil formed by rock decay and left as a …

Air Pollution crossword puzzle
Air Pollution

polluted air can also irritate our lungs and _ , buys only _ friendly products, when you are traveling to nearby destination, you better _ , you can …

Living Things and their Habitats crossword puzzle
Living Things and their Habitats

a living thing that is not an animal, the living place for an animal or a plant, the genes from the mother and father are combined to make a new life, …

Evolution, Biodiversity, Population Ecology crossword puzzle
Evolution, Biodiversity, Population Ecology

_ ecology explains how ecosystems, communities, and populations are distributed in geographic regions, _ ecology studies the distribution and …

Water and Renewable Resources crossword puzzle
Water and Renewable Resources

one example of a renewable resource, the process in which sediment is laid, how does groundwater affect the environment?, the long-term heating of …

Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
Natural Disasters

a rotating cloud that can cause destruction, a sudden violent shaking of the ground, a destructive storm with strong winds and heavy rain, a …

Environment & Pollution crossword puzzle
Environment & Pollution

an area designated to receive household garbage , solid waste and construction debris, contamination of the air, water, or soil with substances that …

Water Biomes crossword puzzle
Water Biomes

the saltwater (ocean) biome is the _ of all biomes, freshwater - _ are plants common to all these bodies of water, saltwater - in the deeper water, …

Humans Affect Environment crossword puzzle
Humans Affect Environment

a species that is in threat of extinction, growing crops and raising livestock, the introduction of harmful substances or products into the …

Environmental Science crossword puzzle
Environmental Science

type of pollution that can be traced back to a single incident, highest point in an aquifer from in which water can be collected, earth system that …

Amazon Rainforest and Climate Change crossword puzzle
Amazon Rainforest and Climate Change

the amazon is the worlds largest tropical.., what does vegetation release into the air, what continent is the amazon rain forest found in, burning …

Plant Adaptations crossword puzzle
Plant Adaptations

the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time, example of a vascular plant, lack of precipitation, a change or slight difference in …

Atmosphere, Air Pressure, & Wind crossword puzzle
Atmosphere, Air Pressure, & Wind

makes up 78% of earth's atmosphere, the second most abundant gas in earth's atmosphere, the measure of the force of air molecules on a surface, lowest …

The Health of the Environment crossword puzzle
The Health of the Environment

the living factors of an ecosystem, the use of a species to get rid of pests instead of using pesticides, an aquatic ecosystem with high biodiversity, …

Ecosystems and Cycles crossword puzzle
Ecosystems and Cycles

an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food, the process by which bacteria convert nitrates into nitrogen gas, releasing it into the …

Atmosphere and Climate Change crossword puzzle
Atmosphere and Climate Change

the contamination of the atmosphere by pollutants from human and natural sources, measuring how clean or polluted the air is, is produced when …

Solid Waste crossword puzzle
Solid Waste

solid waste produced by farming activities, waste that poses substantial or potential threats to public health or the environment, waste generated …

Thermal Energy, Weather, and Climate crossword puzzle
Thermal Energy, Weather, and Climate

transfer of energy through direct contact, the total kinetic energy of particles, occurs at or near the surface of the ocean, caused by wind, the …

Fossil Fuels crossword puzzle
Fossil Fuels

a flammable material without a definite form, produced from remains of marine organisms buried under layers of sediments found near oil deposited, a …

Atmosphere and Climate crossword puzzle
Atmosphere and Climate

greenhouse gas compounds that contain only carbon, fluroine, and chlorine, protective layer of gases that shelters all life on earth, regulates …

Rainforests & Plant Adaptations crossword puzzle
Rainforests & Plant Adaptations

the major line of latitude where most tropical rainforests are located, the name of the largest tropical rainforest in the world, the name of …

Types of Snow crossword puzzle
Types of Snow

a fall of snow, heavy, very windy snowstorm, cannot see ahead, sideways strong wind making piles of snow, a heavy snowfall with wind (type of storm), …

Types of Rainforests crossword puzzle
Types of Rainforests

_ rainforests are mainly located between the latitudes of 23.5°n (the tropic of cancer) and 23.5°s (the tropic of capricorn)—the tropics, tropical …

Bioindicators of Pollution crossword puzzle
Bioindicators of Pollution

bioindicators starts with m, bio indicators starts with p, occurs through a chemical reaction that produces light energy within an organism's body, …

Equilibrium within Ecosystems crossword puzzle
Equilibrium within Ecosystems

an ecosystem's abilty to maintain equilibrium, funnel-shaped areas of land where all the water drains to the same body of water, water that has soaked …