Earth and Atmosphere Crossword Puzzle

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Earth and Atmosphere Crossword Puzzle

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  • carbon : _ sink, areas of vegetation, the ocean or the soil which absorb or store carbon.
  • erosion: movement of rock by water, ice or wind.
  • strata: layers of sedimentary rock.
  • natural: _ resources materials form the earth which act as raw materials for making a variety of products.
  • greenhouse: _ effect energy from the sun is transferred to the thermal energy store of gases in the earth's atmosphere).
  • minerals: chemicals that rocks are made from.
  • recycling: processing a material so that it can be used again.
  • rock cycle: sequence of processes where rocks change from one type to another.
  • fossil: _ fuels, fuels made from the remains of dead organisms formed over millions of years.
  • weathering: the wearing down of rock by physical, chemical or biological processes.