Green Technologies Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: usa : country with the highest co2 emissions, carbon capture: process of trapping and storing carbon dioxide to reduce greenhouse gas emissions(2 words), passive house: a building design that focuses on minimizing energy consumption through insulation, airtightness, and passive heating and cooling strategies(2 words), fossil: _ fuels include coal and oil, geothermal: using of the earth's heat for energy, tidal: this type of energy comes from the pull of gravity of the moon and the spinning of the earth, greenhouse gases: gases like carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide causing a warming effect on the earth’s surface(2 words), nuclear: energy produced by splitting atoms is called _ energy, recycling: turning trash into new products, blurox: new innovative technology for the insulation of liebherr refrigerators and freezers, india: what county is the third largest solar energy producer after usa and china?, photovoltaic: the process of converting sunlight into electricity using solar cells, bhutan: what country is carbon negative?, smart grid: automated systems that balance energy supply and demand in real-time, optimizing the distribution of electricity, wind: generating electricity through the movement of turbine blades powered by moving air, iceland: what country has the highest proportion of renewable energy?, ethanol: this type of biofuel can be used in many cars