Climate and Environment Crossword Puzzle
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- ore : a naturally occurring mineral containing a valuable constituent (such as metal) for which it is mined and worked
- to diminish : to make less or cause to appear less
- depletion : the act of emptying something of a principal substance
- sweltering : oppressively hot
- calamity : a disastrous event marked by great loss and lasting distress and suffering
- arable : fit for or used for the growing of crops
- inclement : severe of weather
- reclamation : the act or process of reclaiming, restoration to use
- deluge : an overflowing of the land by water, a drenching rain, an overwhelming amount or number
- precipitation : the falling to earth of any of any form of water
- insurmountable : incapable of being surmounted
- gale : a strong current of air, a wind from 32 to 63 m/ph (51 to 102 km/h)
- pernicious : highly injurious or destructive, deadly
- arid : excessively dry, having insufficient rainfall to support agriculture
- tepid : moderately warm, lukewarm