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Ecology & Environment Crossword Puzzles
Free printable environment crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
all of the individuals of one species living at one location at one time, large swath or region defined by shared climate and distance from equator, …
a visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere, rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls from the clouds, falling ice that are in the …
where the cyclone forms, what the cyclone is called when it is 74 mph or below, the safest part of a storm, what the cyclone is called when it is 75 - …
lighter tremors after an earthquake, huge storms that form at sea, when a tornado forms over water, a column of wind that spins up to 3oo mph, each …
when the land warms up, it heats the air above it. this causes the air to expand and rise, air rises and it cools and condenses, the horizontal …
a bright flash of light in the sky, a loud rumbling noise during a storm, adjective for very bad weather, adjective --when a cloud forms at ground …
the thin, feathery clouds high in the sky, the season with the warmest air, what the air is like outside, has strong winds, high ocean waves & …
white fluffy things you see in the sky on a sunny day, measures how hot or cold it is, the layer of air surrounding earth, a sudden flash of light and …
forests cover _ percent of the planet, _ farming is responsible for 14.5% of global methane emissions, 3.5 _ to 7 _ trees cut down each year, if the …
required for photosynthesis (not carbon dioxide), the reactant in respiration, a product of photosynthesis (along with glucose), the process where …
they provide an important ecosystem for life underwater, the world largest known predator fish, they can live up to be 50-100 years old!, this species …
two populations that benefit from one another and often depend on each other for survival, creates its own food directly from solar energy through …
group of individuals of the same species that live in the same area, bacteria and fungi that break down materials, any living part of the environment …
a process that releases energy from organic molecules in the absence of oxygen, the interacting parts of a biological community & its environment, …
organisms that become established outside of their native range, symbiosis where both species benefit, two or more species that fight for a resource, …
the breakdown of rock results from chemical change in the rock, commonly known as "rust". it occurs when oxygen combines with another …
not capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms, any substance or object that is discarded or intended to be discarded, a site …
many food chains, eats only meat, collects energy from the sun, consumes other organisms, role an organism has, biological community and abiotic …
the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet, the lowest region of the atmosphere, extending from the earth's surface, the layer …
amount of material something can hold, big, puffy clouds, filled to capacity, instrument used to find relative humidity, line on a weather map that …
a large mammal with a trunk, found in savannahs and forests, an area covered in trees and undergrowth, an area covered with water, home to fish and …
the instrument that helps us determine the speed that the air is moving, at higher altitudes, air pressure _ because there are fewer air molecules …
beneath the emergent layer is the _ , a deep layer of vegetation roughly six meters (20 feet) thick, producers, such as trees in borneo's thick …
a type of pollution caused by cars and factories, you can do this to old paper to make new paper, a natural resource that needs to be conserved, a …
the location in which an organism lives, the coloring or patterns on an animal's body that allow it to blend in with its environment, all of the …
gas which protects everything on the earth, gas from power plants and automobiles, a synthetic man made gas, clouds are located here, provides the …
the movement of water on a surface to areas of lower elevation, the amount of water vapor in the air, the measure of the amount of heat energy in an …
_ forest - trees drop their leaves here, _ rainforest - tiger and jaguar biome, nile in the north, continent north of the mediterranean sea, cold …
a weather event with winds over 35 mph and reduced visibility due to snow, short term day-to-day conditions, long term temperatures and conditions …
produces surface currents, the number of oceans on earth, where snails, crabs, lobsters move; sponges and coral attach themselves to it, tiny living …