Water Quality and Environmental Requirements Crossword Puzzle

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Water Quality and Environmental Requirements Crossword Puzzle

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  • secchi disk : water turbidity in fish ponds is commonly measured using this instrument.
  • physical filtration : it is one of the various methods of water treatment used in catfish farming in which it involves the use of mechanical filters to remove solid particles from the water.
  • thermal stratification : it refers to the separation of water into distinct layers.
  • warm : _ -water species prefer waters above 20°c (68°f).
  • contaminants : in catfish, proper water treatment is necessary to remove impurities and _ from the water and to maintain optimal water quality
  • stocking : _ density affects growth, survival, and overall production of species.
  • euryhaline: species that can tolerate a wide range of salinity.
  • color : it is a result of the interaction of incident light and impurities in the water
  • turbidity: it is a measure of light penetration in water,
  • moderate : areas best suited for shrimp farming should have _ tidal fluctuations, preferably 2–3 meters.
  • turbid: mud crabs often live in areas of _ coastal waters
  • total alkalinity : _ is defined as the total amount 'of titratable bases in water expressed as mg/l of equivalent calcium carbonate.
  • gills : aquatic animals extract oxygen through _ , where oxygen diffuses into the blood or hemolymph and is carried away by pigment molecules like hemoglobin.
  • temperature : water _ is the environmental parameter that significantly affects fish.
  • ph : the _ of water expresses the intensity of its acidic or basic character.
  • salinity: it measures the concentration of dissolved ions in water.
  • acclimatization : it is the process by which fish physiology is slowly altered so that it can adapt to environmental changes
  • groundwater : it accounts for approximately 97% of the earth's unfrozen freshwater.