Amazon Rainforest and Climate Change Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: rainforest : the amazon is the worlds largest tropical.., oxygen : what does vegetation release into the air, south america : what continent is the amazon rain forest found in, carbon dioxide : burning fossil fuels increases this in the atmosphere, rainfall : what is the quantity of rain falling in a given area in a given time, gases : water vapor in the atmosphere is one cause of greenhouse, heatwave : when it's really hot for long time they call it a.., ecosystem : a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical enviroment, animal habitat : the environment in which an animal lives, climate change : a change in weather pattern over a long period of time, deforestation : clearing or removal of a forest, photosynthesis : process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy, greenhouse : warming from the atmosphere trapping heat, pollution : the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment, biodiversity : the variety of life in a habitat or ecosystem, solar energy : radiant light and heat from the sun, renewable : energy that is collected by resources naturally replenished, drought : what is it called when it dose not rain for long periods of time, temperatures : global warming increases what?