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Physics Crossword Puzzles
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newton's _ law - an object in motion will remain in motion, an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force, a place or …
the measure of how far an object moves in a given amount of time, the rate at which velocity changes, a quantity that has both size and direction, a …
the space around a magnet or a current-carrying wire has one of these. (8,5), an alternating current generator. (10), transformer that is used to …
physical strength or power, to move something forward with a part of your body, a game played between 2 teams where they need to pull against each …
surface resistance to relative motion, as of a body sliding or rolling, the force of attraction by which terrestrial bodies tend to fall toward the …
a push or pull on an object, the amount of force needed to move an object, when two forces acting on an object are equal and opposite, when an object …
when two substances rearrange to make a new substance, no coefficient or subscript means _ atom or molecule, a change in this might signal a chemical …
the branch of physical science that deals with the properties of light and vision, describe the nature of light in terms of its wave properties, deals …
unit of frequency, one wave per second, speed at which wave travels (d/t), object vibrating at or near a resonant frequency of a 2nd object causes the …
friction is a _ that opposes the motion of objects, when two surfaces of two objects rub against each other, _ exists, friction always acts _ the …
which wave contains the colors of the rainbow?, what is wave speed divided by wavelength?, it is used to heat food, this wave has the highest …
a small packet of light, which is both a wave and a particle, the strange phenomenon where two particles can be connected in such a way that the state …
distance an object travels in a given unit of time, combination of all forces acting on the object, product of an object's mass and velocity, force of …
name given to waves used to carry any type of signal. (6), short for charge-coupled device, an electronic device that creates an electronic signal …
energy that gives us power, when there are more positive charges, magnets have a _ and south pole, when equal forces act on an object, sign for …
how loud am i?, going from crest to crest, i find what hertz, all waves that are not sound, this wave sounds good, two are better than one, used to …
a piece of iron that has its component atoms so ordered that the material exhibits properties of magnetism, an electromotive force or potential …
it is the transfer of thermal energy by electromagnetic waves, it is the transfer of thermal energy by collisions between particles, materials in …
the reflection of sound that can be heard. (4), point where a longitudinal is squeezed together. (11), to move to and fro about a certain position …
a devise that detects physical quantity, a step by step instructions that tell a computer to do something with data, the study of robots, a tiny robot …
_ and and gamma rays have the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies of all em waves, the transfer of visible light into the medium. when all …
in a transverse wave, as the particles move up and down, the waves move _ , the _ is the high point of the wave, a wave is the movement of _ in a …
used to moving things in the yard or job site, get things from a lower to a higher surface, used to cut, holds papers together, makes things able to …
particles have a fixed shape, can change its shape depending on the container, particles have a lot of energy, another word for objects around us …
the resultant force caused by the pressure loading of a liquid acting on submerged surfaces, a two-dimensional and a perfectly flat surface which …
the boiling point of a given liquid varies with _ , the force a rotating object exerts outward away from the center of rotation, the measure of the …
describes materials that allows some light to pass through, but not all, bending of light, describes materials that do not let any light pass through …
a circular object that revolves on an axle and is fixed below a vehicle or other object to enable it to move easily over the ground, land transporter …
has 2 protons and 2 neutrons, is very slow, and can be stopped by paper, results in a new element mass number decreases by 4 and atomic number …
_ forces act between two objects that are physically touching, pressure applied to an object by another object e.g. picking up a pen, a force of …