Thermal Energy Crossword Puzzle

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Thermal Energy Crossword Puzzle

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  • absolute zero : lowest possible temperature; the temperature at which all molecular motion ceases
  • celsius scale : temperature scale in which the freezing point of water is 0 °c
  • condensation : phase change from gas to liquid
  • conduction : heat transfer through stationary matter by physical contact
  • convection : heat transfer by the movement of fluid
  • degree celsius : unit on the celsius temperature scale
  • fahrenheit scale : temperature scale in which the freezing point of water is 32
  • freezing : phase change from liquid to solid
  • heat : transfer of thermal (or internal) energy due to a temperature difference
  • heat capacity : amount of heat necessary to change the temperature of a substance by 1.00 °c
  • kelvin : unit on the kelvin temperature scale; note that it is never referred to in terms of “degrees” kelvin
  • kelvin scale : temperature scale in which 0 k is the lowest possible temperature, representing absolute zero
  • latent heat : heat related to the phase change of a substance rather than a change of temperature
  • melting : phase change from solid to liquid
  • phase change : transition between solid, liquid, or gas states of a substance
  • plasma : ionized gas that is a combination of the negatively charged free electrons and positively charged ions
  • radiation : energy transferred by electromagnetic waves
  • specific heat : amount of heat necessary to change the temperature of 1.00 kg of a substance by 1.00 °c
  • sublimation : phase change from solid to gas
  • temperature : quantity measured by a thermometer
  • thermal energy : average random kinetic energy of a molecule or an atom
  • vaporization : phase change from liquid to gas