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Physics Crossword Puzzles
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the temperature at which liquid turns to a solid, the temperature at which a liquid boils and turns to vapour, breakability or flexibility, shininess …
the total length of path traveled by the object, either the maximum or minimum speed allowed for vehicles, the starting point or the origin for …
a mirror that curves outward, law that states that when a wave is reflected is equal to the angle of incidence, a transparent object with at least one …
a force that moves an object closer, a force that pulls objects to the ground, a force that resists movement, a change in height between two objects, …
curved mirror which the reflective surface bulges out towards the light, curved mirror that forms a part of a sphere, thin layer or tissue that lines …
part of a wave, turning back of a soundwave, speed of sound in a medium depends on this, sound need this to travel, produced when particles vibrate …
pulling or stretching force directed axially through a body, asymmetric loading that produces tension on one side of a body's longitudinal (vertical) …
the three tiny bones of the ear (8), sound waves have wave size or (9), sounds are made by _ (10), "high or low " - this is related to sound …
rate of change of distance over time, the change in an object's position, a fixed point to determine whether an object has changed position, the mass …
motion that is linear and then reverses on same vector, uses a chain transmission, increases when effort decreases on a simple machine, motion that is …
_ and light pulley - this pulley has no mass and no frictional force, a string that does not stretch under load, there is no friction between the …
the upwards force the wings of a plane generate, the backwards acting force on an object as it pushes through the air, the downwards force on a mass …
how thick a liquid is and how easily it can flow, this happens when particles get heated, quantity of matter in a physical body, this state sticks …
the maximum displacement of a body from the equilibrium position during an oscillatory motion, _ displacement - the angle described at the center of …