Light Reflection & Vision Crossword Puzzle

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Light Reflection & Vision Crossword Puzzle

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  • light : comes from things like the sun, light bulbs and candles. it bounces off of things and allows us to see.
  • convex mirrors : curved mirrors that allow us to see a wider view. this can help drivers see oncoming cars and drive
  • internal reflection : when light reflects off the inside surface of things. for example, the inside surface of a stream of water.
  • light reflection : when light bounces off the surface of an object.
  • sun : the most important natural source of light
  • fiber optic : cables that transmit signals very quickly. they are frequently used to transmit information over the internet.
  • light source : the place from which light originates
  • reflecting surface : surface from which the light bounces off
  • vision : the ability to see. this is thanks to our eyes, which detect light that is reflected into them
  • camera obscura : a darkened box used to project an image of an external object onto a screen inside. it works in the same way as our eyes.c
  • lens : a curved piece of glass or plastic that concentrates light rays. they are used in magnifying glasses and telescopes.