Electromagnetic Waves (light Energy) Crossword Puzzle

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Electromagnetic Waves (light Energy) Crossword Puzzle

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  • xray : _ and and gamma rays have the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies of all em waves
  • absorption : the transfer of visible light into the medium. when all visible light is this, the color black is perceived.
  • spectrum : a way to classify something that has difference within a common physical property
  • reflected ray : the beam of light that bounces off a reflective object after striking it.
  • diffuse : reflection off of rough surfaces when light waves travel in random direction
  • infrared : a low frequency wave that radiates from all objects in the form of heat
  • incident ray : the beam of light that initially strikes a reflective object
  • prism : an object used to separate white light into individual color wavelengths
  • white light : the complete mixture of all the color wavelengths that make up the visible spectrum
  • gamma : _ waves carry the most energy of all of the em waves due to having very high frequencies
  • specular : reflection off of smooth surfaces when light waves travel in the same direction
  • incidence : angle of _ : the angle that the incident ray makes with the normal line
  • ultraviolet : _ waves have higher frequencies than visible light, but cannot penetrate entirely through the skin.
  • radio : waves used for long distance communication due to having very long wavelengths.
  • visible light : part of the electromagnetic spectrum that human eyes can see that makes up white light
  • law of reflection : when an object reflects light, the angle of the incident ray equals the angle of the reflected ray
  • normal : the imaginary line that forms a 90 degree angle with the reflective object. used as a reference to measure all of the angles of the law of reflection
  • frequency : the number of wavelengths per second which determines the amount of energy a wave carry
  • micro : _ waves: don't just increase the temperature of foods, they are used in radar to detect speed and location of objects.
  • reflection : when a beam of light bounces off a surface
  • refraction : the bending of light as it travels through a prism (medium) at different speeds.
  • radiant : the form of energy from the sun that can travel through the vacuum of space
  • gases : the medium through which em waves can travel the fastest