Properties of Light Crossword Puzzle

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Properties of Light Crossword Puzzle

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  • light spectrum : the small part of the electromagnetic spectrum that the human eye can see including the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet
  • refraction : the bending of light rays, bending means that it changes direction and/or speed
  • mirror : smooth surface that reflects an image of what is in front of it
  • laser : device that makes a strong, narrow beam of light
  • kaleidoscope : a tube with mirrors and colorful beads or glass inside of it, when the tube is held to the eye and rotated, patterns can be seen as the objects reflect off the mirrors
  • magnify : to cause to appear larger
  • reflection : the bouncing off of light rays from the surface of an object such as a mirror or other shiny surface
  • prism : a solid glass or plastic object that light can pass through that refracts light and splits it into the colors of the rainbow
  • telescope : an instrument that uses lenses and sometimes mirrors to make distant objects appear larger by gathering and focusing light
  • lens : piece of clear material, such as glass or plastic, that bends light rays as they pass through, can either focus or spread light rays