Seed Propagation Crossword Puzzle

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Seed Propagation Crossword Puzzle

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  • deficiency : a lack or shortage of something, such as plant essential nutrients.
  • soluble : able to be dissolved in water.
  • ammonification : the process by which ammonium ions are made by saprophytic bacteria and fungi by incorporating nitrogenous compounds into amino acids and proteins with excess nitrogen being released as a by-product of their metabolism.
  • nitrification : the process by which several species of soil-dwelling bacteria will oxidize ammonium ions into nitrite ions.
  • tilth : a general term to describe good soil quality for crop growth, including texture, structure, and pore space.
  • phytotoxicity : a poisonous effect by a substance on plant growth.
  • macro nutrient : a nutrient that plants need in high quantities for normal growth and development.
  • fertigation : the process of adding fertilizer to irrigation water.
  • banding : a fertilizer application method in which the fertilizer is spread in bands or lines where developing roots will easily reach it.
  • ratio : the relative value of one thing compared to another.
  • cytochrome : a protein that carries electrons during respiration.
  • denitrification : a process in which bacteria reduce nitrate to a volatile form of nitrogen, such as nitrogen gas or nitrous oxide, which then return to the atmosphere.
  • micro nutrient : a nutrient that is essential for plant growth, but in small or minute amounts.
  • super phosphate : rock phosphate that has been treated with phosphoric acid to increase the amount of plant available phosphorus.
  • assimilation : the formation of organic nitrogen compounds from inorganic nitrogen compounds present in the environment.
  • chelate : a chemical compound composed of a metal ion and a large organic molecule that can prevent cations from reacting with anions to form insoluble compounds.
  • broadcasting : a fertilizer application method in which fertilizer is spread uniformly over a field and tilled or incorporated into the soil prior to planting.
  • sorption : a term used to describe both adsorption of ions to soil particles and absorption of nutrient ions into a plant.