Plant Growth and Development Crossword Puzzle

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Plant Growth and Development Crossword Puzzle

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  • stroma : the aqueous space outside the stacks of thylakoids.
  • cytokinesis : the process in which a single cell divides to form two daughter cells and the cell plate is formed.
  • chromosome : cellular structures that carry the genetic information of a plant.
  • genes : specific sequences of nucleotide pairs on a dna molecule that hold the information to build and maintain cellular processes and pass genetic traits to offspring.
  • transpiration : the process in which water is pulled upward from the roots through xylem cells and released into the air in a gaseous state.
  • recessive : the relationship where one allele is only expressed when the second, dominant allele is not present.
  • diploid : a cell that contains two complete sets of chromosomes.
  • fertilization : the process in which the male gamete combines with the female gamete to create a genetically unique organism.
  • zygote : in sexual reproduction, a diploid cell formed by the fusion of male and female haploid nuclei.
  • chromatin : a filament-like structure that contains dna and proteins that makes up chromosomes.
  • mutation : a naturally occurring genetic change that affects the appearance and functions of a plant.
  • carotenoid : a plant pigment that reflects yellow, orange, and red light and assists in capturing light energy.
  • cohesion : a property of water in which hydrogen bonding between adjacent water molecules allows the water to be pulled upward through the plant.
  • grana : a stack of thylakoid disks found within the chloroplast.
  • pyruvate : a compound that supplies energy to plant cells as part of the kreb's cycle of respiration.
  • meiosis : the process of sexual reproduction of cells that includes nuclear division and in which the cell's chromosomes are divided in half.
  • genome : the entire set of chromosomes of a plant.
  • respiration : the process in which glucose combines with oxygen to produce energy in a form that can be used by plants.
  • dominant : the relationship between one allele that is expressed over a second allele.
  • mitosis : in asexual reproduction, the steps a cell undertakes to duplicate and divide a complete set of chromosomes.
  • chlorophyll : a green pigment located in the chloroplasts of plant cells that is a receptor of light energy in the red and blue wavelengths.
  • sport : a type of tissue mutation that occurs in somatic cells.
  • haploid : a cell that contains a single set of chromosomes from one parent.
  • alleles : one of a number of variant forms of the same gene.