Issues with pesticides Crossword Puzzle

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Issues with pesticides Crossword Puzzle

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  • bioaccumulation : the concentration of a toxic substance in an organism.
  • bees : the pesticide spraying program killed what other insect?
  • biological : introducing other organisms that can prey on the pests is an example of _ control.
  • lizards : the pesticide spraying program harmed what species nerves system?
  • organic : the solution to pesticides is _ farming.
  • defects : a higher bioaccumulation can lead to birth _ .
  • illness : an effect of a higher bioaccumulation.
  • resistance : pests learning how to adapt to pesticides is known as pesticide _ .
  • insecticide : the name of pesticides that kill insects.
  • pollution : when the soil and water become contaminated with toxic chemicals, it is an example of _ .
  • herbicide : the name of pesticides that kill plants.
  • timing : planting the crops at a time in the year when pests aren’t as active is an example of altered _ .
  • rat : the decrease in the cat population lead to an increase in what other species?