Field Production Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: field : a class of crop that includes grains, oil crops, and specialty crops, malting : process of preparing grain for the production of beer or alcohol, forage : crop plants grown for their vegetative growth and fed to animals, oilseed : crop produced for the oil content of its seeds, linen : fabric produced from fibers in flax plants. linseed oil — oil produced from flax seed, ginning: the process of removing the seeds from cotton, cash : a crop grown for cash sale, thermal requirement : the heat requirements or length and characteristics of the, growing season, cereal : grasses grown for their edible seeds, seed legume : crop that is nitrogen-fixing and produces edible seeds. root crop — crops grown for the thick, fleshy storage root that it produces, stimulant : crop that stimulates the senses of users, conventional tillage : land is plowed, turning over all crop residues, minimum tillage : soil is worked only enough so that seed will germinate, sprinkler irrigation : water delivered uniformly to all areas of the field using pipes, equipped with nozzles, surface irrigation : water flows over the soil surface to the crop, drip irrigation : water is supplied to the roots of crops in a uniform manner, mechanical : pest control that affects the pest’s environment or the pest, itself, genetic control : pest control using resistant varieties of crops.