Horticulture Insects Crossword Puzzle

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Horticulture Insects Crossword Puzzle

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  • elytra : the hardened forewings of beetles.
  • exoskeleton : hardened external skeleton found in all insects.
  • oligophagus : type of insect that feeds on multiple plant species that are closely related.
  • monophagus : type of insect that feeds on only one plant species.
  • ovipositor : structure on a female insect's abdomen that is used to deposit eggs.
  • tegmina : parchment like forewings found in grasshoppers and cockroaches.
  • parthenogenesis : process of asexual reproduction in insects.
  • proboscis : modified mouth part that allows insects to sip liquids.
  • micropyle : small opening in an insect egg through which sperm enters.
  • entomology : study of insects.
  • embryogenesis : rapid stage of insect growth & development, when the embryo goes through cellular division.
  • spermatheca : special reproductive feature found in female insects that stores sperm.
  • complete _ metamorphosis : insect goes through 4 phases, egg, larva, pupa, & adult.
  • instar : insect development phase between two periods of molting.
  • sclerite : small rigid plate that is part of the exoskeleton of an insect.
  • polyphagus : type of insect that eats a wide range of plants.
  • ocelli : modified eye structure that detects changes in light intensity.
  • mandible : a part of the insect mouth that is modified for specialized feeding.
  • hemelytra : one of the forewings of true bugs that is slightly thickened at the base.
  • allomone : a chemical signal between different species.
  • ommatidia : visual sensory facets that make up an insect's compound eyes.
  • phytophagus : type of insect that eats plants.
  • stylet : modified mouth part that allows insects to pierce the epidermal layer of a plant or animal & withdraw liquids.
  • diapause : allows and insect to survive unfavorable conditions.