Foods Grown on a Farm Crossword Puzzle

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  • grapes : clumps of _ hang from strong vines.
  • wheat : strong winds make fields of _ wave in the breeze.
  • fruits : many _ grow on bushy trees.
  • onions : you cannot watch _ grow under the ground.
  • carrots : colorful purple turnips and yellow _ grow underground.
  • potatoes : _ grow underground and have eyes.
  • cherry : birds like to sit in _ trees and eat the fruit.
  • red : most tomatoes are _ when ripe.
  • walnuts : some of the biggest trees grow tiny _ .
  • garlic : the tops of _ and onions look like tall grasses.
  • turnips : the bushy tops of _ are also good to eat.
  • cabbage : _ grows inside a bouquet of big leaves.
  • corn : one tall stalk will make several ears of _ .
  • yellow : wax beans look like green beans except they are _ .