Plant Kingdom Crossword Puzzle

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Plant Kingdom Crossword Puzzle

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  • gymnosperms : vascular plants that possess “exposed” seeds
  • conifers : meaning "cone-bearing" plants
  • monocot : plants that has seed with 1 cotyledon
  • terrestrial : narra is a plant that is found on land.
  • hydrophytes : waterlily lives in aquatic environment , it needs lots of water to survive
  • tracheophyte : they have true roots , stem and leaves for transporting water
  • autotrophic : plants that can produce their own food
  • annual : rice is considered _ because it lives for 1 growing season
  • angiosperms : seed-bearing/ flower bearing plants
  • nonvascular : plants that do not have true roots or stem and are very small in size.
  • xerophytes : plants that live in dessert that needs little amount of water.
  • shrubs : a rose is a _ plant because it grows near the ground and composed of several branches of stems.
  • microscopic : plants that are too small and are invisible to the naked eye.
  • perennials : plants that can live up to many years.
  • cycads : a type of gymnosperm that are composed of several leaflike parts.
  • vines : string beans are planted on the ground but can bear fruit above the ground because of its ability to creep and climb up the trellis.
  • heterotrophic : plants that are considered carnivorous because they eat other organisms
  • ferns : largest group of seedless plants that produces spores
  • herbs : oregano has a soft stem and is considered as this type of plant.
  • liverworts : small plants that has an appearance like a liver.
  • plants : living things that can live and reproduce on its own.