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Agriculture, Farming & Forestry Crossword Puzzles
Free printable agriculture crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
clumps of _ hang from strong vines, strong winds make fields of _ wave in the breeze, many _ grow on bushy trees, you cannot watch _ grow under the …
desirable trees left standing to ensure the ecosystem can establish healthy seedlings, practice of planting trees in areas where trees were not …
the science of farming, including the study of soil, plants, and animals, and ways to improve the production of food on farms, an agricultural …
they set down inside plastic trays, _ _ will require ample watering during dry spells, should be at least 55 degrees for best planting results, the …
process that plants lose water through their leaves, when pollen transfers from stamen to pistil, name for cone-bearing plant, green pigment that …
small hairy creature with horns, likes to head-butt, says moooooo, most common bird to eat, bird that says quack, many birds lay these, grows in a …
plants needs sunlight, air and _ to grow, the pretty colorful part of the plant, part of the plant that makes food, it carries water and food across …
process by which green plants use sunlight to change water and carbon dioxide into sugar, scientific study of plants, green substance found in green …
someone who studies soil management and crop production, used to maintain ecological balance, the science of farming, one of the three sisters, a …
powdery substance that are part of male sex cells in a flower, vascular system that travels up a plant's stem with nutrients, female reproductive …
the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time, example of a vascular plant, lack of precipitation, a change or slight difference in …
what layer is called the 'c' horizon and is made up mostly of rocks? (two words), what soil layer is also called the humus layer and is made up of …
it resembles the appearance of fork with sharp tines use for weeding and mixing additives into the soil, it is used for loosening the soil, …
the cultivation of grapes to be eaten fresh and to be used for making juices, raisin, jams, jellies, and wines, a collection of grass plants that form …
broad leaves, _ forest land - forest land restricted from harvesting, round timbers in the ground to support other things, _ wood industries - wood …
a large area filled with many trees, maples, birch, and oak are examples of this type of tree, pines and redwoods are examples of this type of tree, …
a satellite-based system that can determine exact points within a field, the collection of samples from small, uniform cells based on a systematic …
growing plants and raising animals for food, food grown without artificial chemicals, food produced near where you live, food grown at the right time …
something in the field that can make your horse unwell (8,6), what you call a bright item of clothing (2,10), what color ribbon indicates a horse who …
native aussie nut which contains an unknown toxin, common symptom of mild poisoning (think feces!), household ******** products and chemicals should …
platinum is used in _ batteries, _ conditions occur in northern africa, another of africa's desserts, the metal used in jewelry, africa is home to _ …
leaves the stubble of the previous crop on the ground, growing multiple crops in the same field in the same year, a machine that harvest a crop by …
the process of supplying water to crops to help them grow, adding nutrients to the soil to promote plant growth, cutting away dead or overgrown …
the cultivation of soil, productions of crops, and raising of livestock for food, fiber, and fuel products, any agriculturally based operation or …
undeveloped shoot, where the petiole base attaches to the stem, stalk that holds the leaf away from the stem, flattened green surface for absorbing …
this brand makes "functional" mushroom edibles using reishi, lion's mane, and cordyceps, the gummies from this brand contain muscimol and …
added to soil to increase the amount of nutrients and increase yeild, when two opposing reactions take place at the same rate, plants need this to …
water pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and biodiversity loss, vetch, crimson clover, and red clover, how well plants use fertilizer for growth and …
the main woody stem of a tree as distinct from it's, side branches of the primary roots, outgrowths from the outer layer or cells in a root, the …
(plant part) contains pollen sacs which produce pollen grains, (plant part) supports the anther, (plant part) place where the pollen grains land, …