Reproduction of a Flower Crossword Puzzle

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Reproduction of a Flower Crossword Puzzle

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  • pollen: the fine dust-like powder that contains the male reproductive cells of seed-bearing plants.
  • function: the "job" that a part does in an organism.
  • fertilization: the process by which the female reproductive cell (egg) is united with the male reproductive cell (pollen).
  • seed dispersal: ways in which seeds are transported to a new location (i.g, wind, water, fur on animals, animal waste).
  • reproduction: the process of making new organisms.
  • germination: the process by which plants begin to grow from seed to spore or from seed to bud.
  • pollination: the transfer of pollen grains from the male reproductive structure to the female reproductive structures of flowering plants
  • organism: any living thing.
  • structure: a part that does a certain job for an organism.
  • flowering plants: plants that reproduce by using flowers.