Agriculture, Farming & Forestry Crossword Puzzles

Free printable agriculture crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.

Showing 61-82 of 82 records

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In the Jungle crossword puzzle
In the Jungle

the alps, a dense woodland in equatorial area, a black leopard, a large reptile, an indian mammal, they like chirping in the trees, a plant type, a …

Plants Adaptations in a Desert crossword puzzle
Plants Adaptations in a Desert

protection, a source of water for desert plants, a period of time without any precipitations, a part of a broken glass, roots do it with water, a stem …

The World of Plants crossword puzzle
The World of Plants

the reproductive part of a plant, usually small, found in damp places, most plants are this colour, a type of flowering plant that has leaves of many …

Farming and Mining in Canada crossword puzzle
Farming and Mining in Canada

these come from a chicken, these grow in bunches under the ground, farmers plant, grow, and then harvest these, foods like grains, fruits and …

Forestry Across Canada crossword puzzle
Forestry Across Canada

this type of wood makes up 66% of canada's forest cover. it consists mainly of coniferous trees, forests in many places all over the world are …

Reproduction of a Flower crossword puzzle
Reproduction of a Flower

the fine dust-like powder that contains the male reproductive cells of seed-bearing plants, the "job" that a part does in an organism, the …

Issues with pesticides crossword puzzle
Issues with pesticides

the concentration of a toxic substance in an organism, the pesticide spraying program killed what other insect?, introducing other organisms that can …

Livestock Evaluation Terms crossword puzzle
Livestock Evaluation Terms

color pattern, typically in hogs. features a mix of red or sandy and black areas, the size of the animal as determined by skeletal structure, …

Agricultural Advancements crossword puzzle
Agricultural Advancements

this canal opened in 1825, established an experimental farm at mt. vernon, developed the first crop rotation system, discovered the principals of …

Water movement through Plants crossword puzzle
Water movement through Plants

evaporation of water from the surface of a leaf, the movement of water from an area of high to low water concentration through a semi-permeable …

Classification of Plants crossword puzzle
Classification of Plants

bryophytes need this for reproduction, found in gymnosperms and angiopserms, contain xylem and phloem, flowering plants classification, plants with …

Climate, Soil, & Vegetation crossword puzzle
Climate, Soil, & Vegetation

broken down by erosion to begin soil production, grown without human interference, the amount of direct sunlight a region receives depends on it's:, …

Field Production crossword puzzle
Field Production

a class of crop that includes grains, oil crops, and specialty crops, process of preparing grain for the production of beer or alcohol, crop plants …

Soil Erosion crossword puzzle
Soil Erosion

it is the movement of rock fragments and soil from one place to another, they damage the soil surface by eating vegetation and digging into wet or …

Seeds & Roots crossword puzzle
Seeds & Roots

this trees prop roots grow from the tree limbs and look like tree trunks, corn plants have these specialized roots for support, the outside covering …

A Garden of Flowers crossword puzzle
A Garden of Flowers

"when _ last in the dooryard bloom'd"--walt whitman, the _ was said to have sprung from the blood of ajax, in greek mythology, a brilliantly …

Plant  Nursery / Landscape crossword puzzle
Plant Nursery / Landscape

intricately designed flower or herb garden with plants arranged to create a pattern, referring to that which is abnormal or unnatural, garden tended …

Seed Propagation crossword puzzle
Seed Propagation

a lack or shortage of something, such as plant essential nutrients, able to be dissolved in water, the process by which ammonium ions are made by …

Seedless Plants crossword puzzle
Seedless Plants

rhizoid are not considered true roots because they lack this type of tissue, predecessor of terrestrial plants, ferns,whisk ferns, and horsetails …

Plant Kingdom crossword puzzle
Plant Kingdom

vascular plants that possess “exposed” seeds, meaning "cone-bearing" plants, plants that has seed with 1 cotyledon, narra is a plant …

Agriscience Foundations crossword puzzle
Agriscience Foundations

teaching and program management in agriculture, type of resources provided by nature that can replace themselves, management of agricultural …

Cotton Facts crossword puzzle
Cotton Facts

branches that grow in a zigzag pattern, how many boll development phases there are, occurs once the bud blooms, when the bud is one third of its full …