Agriculture and Material Science Crossword Puzzle

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  • agronomist : someone who studies soil management and crop production
  • sustainability : used to maintain ecological balance.
  • agriculture : the science of farming
  • corn : one of the three sisters, a plant with kernels.
  • soil : upper layer of the earth where plants grow
  • stretch : be made longer or wider without tearing or breaking
  • worm : an animal that burrows into the soil and aerates it.
  • synthetic : made by chemical synthesis.
  • biodegradable : something capable of being decomposed by bacteria or living organisms.
  • textile : a type of cloth or woven fabric
  • germination : the development of a plant from a seed or spore.
  • heifer : a young female cow that has not borne a calf
  • strength : the ability of an object to withstand a force
  • compost : decayed organic material used as a plant fertilizer.
  • cows : source of dairy and beef.