Forestry Across Canada Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: softwood: this type of wood makes up 66% of canada's forest cover. it consists mainly of coniferous trees, acid precipitation: forests in many places all over the world are affected by this which is caused by the emissions from factories. (2 words), spruce budworm: many forestry industries all over suffer from the destruction this tiny many legged insect causes. (2 words), susceptible: a semi-commonly used word in forestry which refers to them being harmed, gypsy moth: yet another one of the many insects that causes destruction in our forests. this insect's scientific name is lymantria. (2 words), watersheds: surrounding water will drain into this which can be from snow marshes and surrounding rivers, forest fires: this is a deadly natural disaster that spreads faster than a human can run. however can also cause more trees to bloom and grow faster. (two words), fig tree: a type of tree that can be from 1-12 metres tall and grows fruits. (2 words), commercial forest: a specific type of forest that is all around but is more likely to be harvested because of convenience. (2 words), boreal forest: a forest that grows in the northern hemisphere made mostly of coniferous trees. (2 words)