Plant Processes Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: transpiration : process that plants lose water through their leaves, pollination : when pollen transfers from stamen to pistil, gymnosperm : name for cone-bearing plant, chlorophyll : green pigment that absorbs light-energy, vascular : plants that have true roots, stems, and leaves, asexual : reproduction that only involves one parent plant, non vascular : plants that do not have true roots, stems, or leaves, tropism : plants response or behavior to stimuli, photosynthesis : process that plants make sugar for their food, sexual : reproduction that requires a sperm cell and an egg cell to make new organism, autotrophs : plants that make their own food, fertilization : when pollen enters the ovule, germination : early stage of seed growth, respiration : process by which plants break down the sugar in the cells, seed production : once the ovule is fertilized it develops into a seed (2 words), dormancy : period of time when the growth or activity of a plant or seed stops due to changes in temperature or amount of water, plant development : the growth and maturity of a plant (2 words), angiosperm : name for a flowering plant, phototropism : the way a plant grows or moves in response to light.