Fruit and Vegetable Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: fruit : matured ovaries of flowering plants, contain the seeds of the new plant, vegetable : edible portion of herbaceous (nonwoody) plants, variety : plant that occurs naturally or through cultivation and differs from other members of its species by one or more characteristics, hybrid : plant that results from interbreeding two distinct cultivars, varieties, or species, small fruits : crops grouped together because they produce small, soft fruit, usually on vines, plants, or shrubs, tree fruits : edible fruit crops that grow on trees, grafting : a propagation method in which a bud, twig, or shoot—the scion—is taken from one plant and attached to a different but compatible plan, pome fruit : forms from a flower with an inferior, compound ovary, stone fruit : have a hard pit or “stone” in the center of the fruit, nut crop : a dry indehiscent fruit in which the seed remains unattached to the ovary wall, and the ovary wall—the shell—becomes very hard at maturity, cool season : plants that thrive in cooler temperatures (70 degrees or below) and can survive light frost12, warm season : plants that require warmer temperatures to grow properly