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Kids and School Crossword Puzzles
Free printable kids crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
24 x 3 = (write the answer in word form), 4 ÷ 2 = (write the answer in word form), the first step in long division, the amount left over when a …
to cut into smaller pieces, to cut food into small square pieces, to thoroughly mix together soft or liquid substances to form a single smooth …
an angle measuring 90, having the same measure, when a figure is turned about a specific point, when a figure is flipped across a line of symmetry, …
past tense of choose, past participle of forgive, past tense of meet, past tense of teach, past participle of fly, past tense of go, past participle …
very attractive [woman, landscape, object, language], opposite of dry [cake, earth], bright, warm, shining with low intensity [happy person, skin, …
able to be used for a practical purpose, not me, extremely pretty, a 3d square, very large, something that you were already aware of, sounds put …
a polygon with no sides, a 6-sided polygon, a 9-sided polygon, two lines on the same plane but never meet, has a starting point but no ending point, a …
for valentines day i brought my crush a _ , i scoop the _ of my plate, i drank _ milkshake last night, when i woke up there was a _ under my bed, our …
an attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience, you write with a _ . your reason for writing, only provide summary. similar to annotations, …
shape whose area formula is 1/2 base times the height, a figure that is made up of two or more shapes, a flat surface of a solid, line segments where …
opposite of short (ll), trip over (ll), opposite of more (ss), rings when school is over (ll), not feeling well (ll), bunch of things (ff), a type of …
having belief in many gods, more fingers/toes than normal, an object that has many forms, knows how to write and speak man languages, many colors, …
two words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings, 2 words that have opposite meanings, goes at the end of every sentence, 2 …
a long hallway connecting different parts of the school, a small shop within the school premises selling snacks and drinks, a room where teachers …
the colour of chocolate, the colour of tomatoes, the colour of lavender flowers, the colour of the night, the colour of the sky, the colour of the …
an adjective used to point out something near or far away, an adjective used to describe two things, or two sets of things, an adjective that …
an action, a person, place, thing, or idea, a word that describes a noun, a word that describes a verb, part of a complex sentence that does not make …
words that help link clauses and ideas, a word that tells us how something is done, usually ending ly, a word that replaces the name of a person or …
four in spanish, five in spanish, three in spanish, two in spanish, ten in spanish, nine in spanish, eight in spanish, one in spanish, seven in …
the end part of a word that changes its meaning, the beginning of a word that changes its meaning, every sentence needs to begin with a _ letter, …
to fix, to buy, to check, to go, to brake, to come, to cut, to build, can, to begin, to drink, to have, to keep, to know, to fight, to see, to …
set of all rational and irrational numbers, 3 + 0 = 3 (name the property - it's the additive _ , 3(x + 7) = 3x + 21 (name the property), fill in the …
a shape which has four sides, and opposite sides are parallel to each other, a shape which has four sides, and two of those sides are parallel to each …
math is a _ _ - you have to take math, in the summer many families go on _ , you can do your homework during this time, you walk through the _ to get …
a mathematical expression that results in a graph of a line, positive directions on a graph move either up or to the _ , a linear equation written in …
a particular day in a month or year, used for writing on paper. it is made of wood, and has a coloured "lead" that goes through the middle, …
past simple of buy, past simple of meet, past simple of drink, past simple of see, past simple of take, past simple of sing, past simple of wear, past …
the state of not having enough money to buy basic things, moving objects that crash into each other, to need something, exist only on computers or on …
if you have courage you act this way, most likely, once in awhile, maybe?, how you should handle mommy's teacups, toady drives this way, the opposite …
stands on its own, noun that you can see or touch, expresses either a physical or mental action, pronouns used to ask questions, person, place, or …