Types of Writing Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: autobiography : a personal account of a person’s life written by the same person, plays : dramas expected to be acted out on a stage, opinions : a piece of non-fiction writing that details the opinion of the person writing it, book reviews : writing about if the reader likes or dislikes a book, descriptive : writing that describes a person , place, or thing, fables : short stories with morals, speeches : are presented in front of a crowd, screen write : writing acted on a movie screen, essays : 5 paragraphs- usually about a particular subject, howto articles : informative writing about instructions or directions on how to, news articles : usually true events that are published in the newspapers or online, poem : is a rhythmical piece of writing that crosses the boundaries between prose and song, letters : hand written, email, or text these are used to express a message to each other, resumes : writing about of your education, experience, and skills that you have that might be used for the job you’re applying for, journals : a personal writing that can help you deal with issues in your life, comic strips : the funnies in the paper.- short cartoon clips with words