7th Grade Social Studies Crossword Puzzle

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7th Grade Social Studies Crossword Puzzle

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  • imperialism : one nation controls another nation in order to build empire
  • aid : to give help or assistance
  • adolph hitler : german dictator during wwii; wanted to create a master race
  • industrialism : economic system where machines do the work that humans or animals once performed
  • constitution : basic laws of a state that define the role of government and guarantee its obligation to the people
  • alliances : agreements between countries to help one another in time or war
  • heresy : anti-church teachings
  • third estate : social class made up of everyone not of the 1st or 2nd estates; paid all of the taxes in the land
  • judicial branch : part of government that interprets laws
  • joseph stalin : russian dictator during wwii
  • capital : money and goods used to help people make or do things
  • militarism : belief in a strong military
  • perestroika : soviet plan of reforming government and economic ideas
  • urbanization : increase of people moving to and living in cities
  • glasnost : soviet policy allowing for free discussion of political and social ideas
  • second estate : social class made up of aristocrats or nobles; paid no taxes
  • racism : extreme nationalism; superiority of one race over others
  • containment : preventing the spread of communism beyond its existing borders
  • absolutism : political system in which a ruler has total power