Suffixes: -ly, -est Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: slowly: the turtle _ walked across the road, smartest: i feel the _ when i get a 100% on my test, wisely: i can manage my time _ so that i complete all my work on time, tallest: my dad is the _ in my family. he is over 6 feet tall!, slowest: turtles are the _ animal, happily: the little girl _ licked her ice cream cone, richest: elon musk is the _ man in the world, quickly: my brother _ ran across the finish line during his race to win first place!, sadly: _ , i will not be able to visit my grandparents this summer, shortest: the point guard is usually the _ on the basketball team, fastest: usain bolt is the _ man on earth, lazily: my dog laid _ on the floor, letting the sun hit him.