Kids and School Crossword Puzzles

Free printable kids crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.

Showing 31-60 of 460 records

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7th Grade Math crossword puzzle
7th Grade Math

an expression with variables, where a number is written in 2 parts, a shape with a dip, 2 angles that don't share a common side or vertex, a triangle …

8th Grade Math crossword puzzle
8th Grade Math

_ lines form right angles and have opposite reciprocal slopes in a linear equation, a number that multiplied by itself, _ exponents - if the base is …

Homophones crossword puzzle

the technical name for a boy, a quantity, to a certain extent, a delicious small fruit, to submerge something in dirt, addition, to farewell someone, …

Graph Types crossword puzzle
Graph Types

graph in which all vertices are of equal degree , graph that does not contain more than one edge between the pair of vertices , graph contains some …

Basic Financial Literacy Terms for Kids crossword puzzle
Basic Financial Literacy Terms for Kids

this card allows you to borrow money from the company and you must pay interest or extra money if you cannot pay them back the full amount by the due …

-ING Verbs crossword puzzle
-ING Verbs

to place something somewhere, we are _ some water, to use your voice in a beautiful way, faster than walking, to be creating, something most people do …

STAAR Reading Vocabulary crossword puzzle
STAAR Reading Vocabulary

used to convince the reader of the writer's point of view, the story of a person's life written by that person in first person point of view, what a …

Eighth Grade Science crossword puzzle
Eighth Grade Science

a stable subatomic particle with a charge of negative electricity, found orbiting the nucleus of an atom, the name given to a horizontal row of the …

Motion and Speed crossword puzzle
Motion and Speed

the standard unit of time is _ , is a change in position overtime, is speed in a specific direction, the standard unit of length is _ , tells us the …

English Punctuation Marks crossword puzzle
English Punctuation Marks

at the end of a sentence, used for questions, used to add emphasis or to indicate that words are being spoken in excitement, surprise, or alarm, used …

Graphing and Linear Equations crossword puzzle
Graphing and Linear Equations

(b) the y-coordinate of the point where the line crosses the y-axis, occurs when x=0, uphill from left to right, slope = rise/ _ , says that two …

Quadrilaterals crossword puzzle

a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides, a parallelogram with four congruent sides and with oblique angles, a parallelogram with four …

Triangles crossword puzzle

intersection of two sides of triangle, segment that intersects a side at a right angle, _ bisector. a segment that divides a side equally at a right …

Statistics and Probability Symbols crossword puzzle
Statistics and Probability Symbols

variance of population values, average / arithmetic mean, mr = ( xmax + xmin ) / 2, correlation of random variables x and y, mean of population …

Algebra Terminology crossword puzzle
Algebra Terminology

an expression has an equal sign. it means we are looking for an answer, this answer consists of numbers and pronumerals combined with multiplication …

Quadrilaterals & 3D Figures crossword puzzle
Quadrilaterals & 3D Figures

any surface of a polyhedron other than a base, a _ prism is a 3d figure with two pentagonal bases and five rectangular faces, a plane figure by which …

Grammar Terms crossword puzzle
Grammar Terms

an exclamatory word that is not related to the other words in a sentence, near to far, top to bottom, and right to left are things used to give …

Astronomy / Space crossword puzzle
Astronomy / Space

the furthest planet from the sun, our galaxy name, it takes 28 day to go round the earth, the planet with visible rings, this gives neptune it's blue …

7th Grade English Terminology crossword puzzle
7th Grade English Terminology

a pos that links clauses together, a style of word choice that indicates a person is from a specific place, the structure of a sentence, the 4th part …

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
Irregular verbs

i … green shorts and white t-shirts, i … english with my penfriend, the wind … in the evening, i … a glass of orange juice, i … a stone into …

Spanish Body Parts & Weekdays crossword puzzle
Spanish Body Parts & Weekdays

spanish, saturday, hand, sunday, tuesday, monday, head, arm, eyes, friday, wednesday, leg, feet, fingers, teeth, nose, hair, thursday, mouth

English Adjectives crossword puzzle
English Adjectives

causing delight; charming, occurring once a year, light in colour or shade; containing little colour or pigment; (of a person or their complexion) …

Angle Relationships crossword puzzle
Angle Relationships

a pair of angles that have a sum of 90 degrees, a pair of angles that have a sum of 180 degrees, angles in the same relative position "matching …

Present Perfect Exercise crossword puzzle
Present Perfect Exercise

i have (order) two large pizzas, she has (play) roblox before, we have (record) a new album, they have (make) another cake, i have been married _ 50 …

Conjunctions crossword puzzle

we went sledding, _ we would have rather gone skiing, we were whispering _ we were watching the deer so that we wouldn't scare them off, it will not …

Transition Words crossword puzzle
Transition Words

_ the thunderstorm, the dog hid under the bed, _ a new coat, i received a pair of boots, some dogs are large. _ a great dane is very tall, smoking is …

7th Grade Social Studies crossword puzzle
7th Grade Social Studies

one nation controls another nation in order to build empire, to give help or assistance, german dictator during wwii; wanted to create a master race, …

Adjectives crossword puzzle

it's something or someone what makes you smile, you feel it when everything is super good, you feel it when there aren't any cookies or candies in …

Two Vowel Rule Practice crossword puzzle
Two Vowel Rule Practice

a color in between black and white, the opposite of give, where you live, what you call people with, similar to create, the number after two, what you …

Past and Perfect Participles crossword puzzle
Past and Perfect Participles

perfect participle of "be", past participle of "swim", past participle of "put", past participle of "give", …