Prepositions, Conjunctions, Interjections Crossword Puzzle

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Prepositions, Conjunctions, Interjections Crossword Puzzle

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  • interjections : words that express strong emotion
  • behind : we remained _ after the others had left.
  • expletives : "bad words" that express strong emotion
  • over : please turn your paper _ when you are finished.
  • conjunction : word used to connect other words or groups of words
  • not only : "if you do all of your work, _ _ will you have a good grade, but you will also learn more."
  • subordinating : connect subordinate clauses with independent clauses
  • shhh : " _ !" scolded the teacher. "don't talk during the quiz!"
  • correlative : has 2 parts: both...and; either/neither..or/nor; whether...or;
  • not only... but also
  • preposition : a word that relates a noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence
  • after : we went to the soccer game _ school.
  • under : please don't stick chewing gum _ the table.
  • neither : i like _ anchovies nor sardines
  • adverbs : it is helpful to be able to distinguish between prepositions and _ .
  • psst : " _ ," he whispered. "what's number 7?"
  • in : place all completed work _ the basket.
  • and : respect yourself _ others.
  • coordinating : fanboys: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, & so
  • on : be sure to complete the work _ the back of the page.
  • phrase : a prepositional _ begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun.
  • object : the noun or pronoun at the end of a prepositional phrase is called the _ of the preposition.
  • ouch : when the shot went into her arm, she cried, " _ !"