Maths - Data Crossword Puzzle

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Maths - Data Crossword Puzzle

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  • average : a number that represents a set of numbers (7)
  • mean : found by adding a set of numbers and dividing by how many (4)
  • median : the middle number when a set of numbers is in order (6)
  • mode : the most frequent value (4)
  • range : the highest value subtract the lowest (5)
  • variation : another word for the range (9)
  • coordinates : numbers used to locate a point on a grid (11)
  • pie chart : a type of circular diagram used to represent data (3,5)
  • pictogram : a chart that uses pictures of symbols to represent data (9)
  • probability : the measure of how likely an event is to occur (11)
  • unlikely : term used to show there’s a small chance something will happen (8)
  • certain : 100% likely to happen (7)
  • impossible : 0% likely to happen (10)
  • frequency : the number of times an event occurs (9)