Shapes Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: hexagon : this shape has six sides, rectangle : a long square, square : this shape has the letter q in it, round : balls and wheels are _ , octagon : this shape has eight sides, point : the tip of a star, cone : wide at the top, pointy at the bottom, heart : this shape starts with h, corner : the point on a square, diamond : starts with d, shape : a square is a _ . a circle is a _ , flat : the top of a square is _ , pyramid : wide at the bottom, pointy at the top, circle : this shape has two c's, oval : a long circle, star : this shape has five points, cube : frozen water in a glass; ice _ , sphere : another word for circle, arrow : tells you which way to go, triangle : this shape has three sides, curve : the edge of a circle