Long U Sound Crossword Puzzle

Download and print this Long U Sound crossword puzzle.

Long U Sound Crossword Puzzle

PDF will include puzzle sheet and the answer key.


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  • useful : able to be used for a practical purpose
  • you : not me
  • beautiful : extremely pretty
  • cube : a 3d square
  • huge : very large
  • knew : something that you were already aware of
  • music : sounds put together create this
  • mute : not producing any sounds
  • unicorn : mythical animal with a horn on its head
  • uniform : what you wear to school every day
  • view : to see something
  • refuse : say no to
  • confuse : make something less easy to understand
  • duty : a responsibility
  • fuel : provides energy, like the food for a car
  • queue : a long line of people waiting for their turn
  • supermarket : grocery shop
  • superman : a superhero that exists in the same universe as batman
  • superhuman : a person showing exceptional abilities
  • supernatural : phenomena beyond nature
  • superficial : appearing to be true but actually fake