Basic Geometry Crossword Puzzle
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- congruent : having the same measure.
- corresponding : means similar
- supplementary : angles whose measures add up to be 180 are:
- ray : a geometric figure with one endpoint. it goes forever in one direction.
- point : a geometric figure having no dimension. it is represented by a dot.
- angle : a geometric figure consisting of two rays with a common endpoint.
- segment : a geometric figure with 2 endpoints. it is a piece of a line.
- bisector : something that cuts something else in half.
- complementary : angles whose measures add up to be 90 are:
- polygon : a triangle is a _ with three sides
- postulate : a statement that is accepted as true without being proven true
- hypotenuse : the longest leg of a right triangle
- line : a geometric figure with 1 dimension. it extends forever in two directions.