Triangle Topics Crossword Puzzle
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- congruent:figures that have same size and shape
- isosceles:two sides same length
- acute:all interior angles less than 90 degrees
- reflection:transformation that is impossible with real objects like a book
- bisector:a perpendicular _ cuts a triangle side in half
- equilateral:all sides same length
- midpoint:the segment's _ is equal distance from both ends
- rotation:transformation circling a point
- obtuse:triangle with one angle greater than 90 degrees
- translation:slide transformation
- interior: _ angle found on the inside of the triangle
- right:one interior angle equal to 90 degrees
- scalene:triangle with no equal sides
- parallel:two items on a plane that have exactly the same slope
- half:the midpoint segment is equal to _ of the base's length
- equiangular:all angles of this triangle are congruent
- angle:side _ side (sas) is a valid condition for two triangle congruence
- sides:two triangles with all three corresponding _ the same length, are congruent by sss