Polygons Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: triangle : shape whose area formula is 1/2 base times the height, composite : a figure that is made up of two or more shapes, face : a flat surface of a solid, edge : line segments where two faces of a solid meet, congruent : same shape and same size, decompose : taking a whole number or shape and breaking it into two or more smaller parts, vertice : the point or corner of a polygon, rectangle : shape whose area formula is length times width, net : a 3-d shape that is unfolded and lain flat, trapezoid : shape whose area formula is top plus button divided by 2 times height, volume : the amount of space occupied by a 3-d figure measured in cubic units, area : the total space taken up by a flat 2-d surface or shape of an object, polyhedron : a 3-d shape with flat polyagonal faces, straight edges, and vertices, base : the surface of a solid object