Probability Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle
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- theoretical probability : the ratio of the number of desired outcomes to the total number of possible outcomes
- compound event : combines two or more events using the word "and" "or"
- equally likely : when the probabilities of all the outcomes of an experiment are equal
- probability model : a list of each possible outcome along with its probability
- experiment : a situation involving chance that leads to outcomes
- outcome : the result of a single trial of a probability experiment
- simulation : an experiment that models a real-life situation
- event : one possible outcome of a group of possible outcomes for a given situation
- simple event : an event consisting of one outcome
- uniform probability model : when all probabilities in a probability model are equally likely to occur
- complementary events : events that together contain all of the outcomes in the sample space
- probability : a measure of the likelihood that an even will occur
- tree diagram : illustrates the possible outcomes of an event
- non-uniform model : when all probabilities in a probability model are not equal to each other
- experimental probability : the ratio of the number of times an event occurs to the total number of trials performed
- sample space : a list of all possible outcomes of an experiment