Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: indefinite: stands on its own, concrete: noun that you can see or touch, verb: expresses either a physical or mental action, interrogative: pronouns used to ask questions, noun: person, place, or thing, proper: noun that names a particular person, place, or thing, linking: expresses what is or seems to be. links the subject with the predicate, singular: noun that names one person, place, or thing, relative: connects a noun or pronoun with a word group that tells more about it, suffix: word part added to the end of a base word, pronouns: replace nouns in sentence, plural: noun that names more than one person, place, or thing, abstract: noun that is a thought or idea, compound: noun made by combining two or more words into one, collective: noun that names a group of people or things, demonstrative: points out person, place, or thing, possessive: pronoun that shows ownership or relationship, reflexive: pronouns that end in self or selves