Pre Algebra Modules Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: variable : a symbol used to represent a quantity that can change, perfect square : a number made by squaring a whole number, solution : a value that makes an equation true, exponent : indicates how many times the base is used as a factor, equation : a mathematical sentence that shows two expressions are equivalent, standard notation : our everyday way of writing numbers, constant : a value that does not change, real : all numbers are _ , whole number : counting numbers; 1, 2, 3,.., terminating : a decimal that does not go on forever is a _ decimal, algebraic expression : contains at least one variable, base : in a power, the number that represents the repeated factor, rational number : a number that can be written as a ratio, a/b, repeating decimal : has the same digit(s) that go on forever, integer : whole numbers and their opposites, power : a number written in the form using a base and an exponent, square root : if 4 times 4 is 16, then the _ of 16 is 4, irrational : pi is an example of this type on number, scientific notation : a shorthand method of writing very large or very small numbers