The Real Number System Crossword Puzzle

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The Real Number System Crossword Puzzle

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  • formula : an expression that uses variables to state a rule
  • base : the number which is repeated as a factor in an exponential expression
  • term : a number or a variable, or the product of a number and variable(s)
  • variable : a letter or symbol used to represent an unknown number
  • whole number : a number belonging to the set made up of zero and the natural numbers
  • order of operations : a system for simplifying expressions that ensures that there is only one right answer
  • exponent : the (superscript) number in an exponential expression; it tells how many times a factor is repeated
  • integer : a number belonging to the set made up of the whole numbers and their opposites
  • perfect square : any rational number that is the square of another rational number
  • opposite numbers : two numbers that are the same distance from zero on the number line but in opposite directions
  • real number : a number which can be written as an infinite decimal
  • distance : the number of units between two numbers or points, regardless of direction
  • inequality : sentence showing a relationship between numbers that are not necessarily equal; uses the symbols >, <, ≥, ≤, or ≠
  • expression : one term or multiple terms connected by an addition or subtraction sign
  • square root : a number that when multiplied by itself (squared) equals a given number
  • constant : a number; a term containing no variables
  • power : the value of a base and exponent
  • natural number : a number belonging to the set made up of the numbers that are used to count