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Kids and School Crossword Puzzles
Free printable kids crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
the point where the function changes concavity is the _ point, a function that is its own derivative, in order to find this function, switch the x and …
points where two or more lines meet, a polygon with 3 sides, 3 angles, and 3 vertices, a polygon with 6 sides, 6 angles, and 6 vertices, a _ triangle …
an expression written with a base and am exponent, a polynomial consisting of one term, lines or planes that intersect to form right angles, the …
the ratio of the hypotenuse (in a right-angled triangle) to the side opposite an acute angle; the reciprocal of sine, the ratio of the hypotenuse to …
humpty _ , _ was his name, what did mary own?, _ porgie, little bo _ , hot cross _ , goosey goosey _ , baa baa _ sheep, i'm a little _ , the spider …
what kids follow?, _ workers change diapers, _ kindly to others, there are two different colors of these things you wear, take _ every service, what …
cactus, elf, woman, foot, diagnosis, tooth, child, crisis, tomato, species, half, potato, deer, loaf, fish, goose, man, life, knife, mouse, sheep, …
language that avoids insensitive language regarding gender, race, ethnic group, age, religion, or disability, clause that does not express complete …
number of paragraphs we use in an informational essay, to judge or determine the significance, worth, or quality of, number of times you say "in …
greek word for ancient greek city-state. it is also known as a group of citizens, citizen-soldier of ancient greek city-states who were primarily …
2 lines that meet at a 90 degree angle, a four sided shape with four 90 degree angles and 2 pairs of equal sides, a shape with 6 sides, a shape with 8 …
a u-shaped curve formed by the graph of a quadratic function, a vertical line that divides a parabola into two mirror-image halves, the highest or …
6 identical faces, 6 rectangular (or square) faces, 9 edges, 5 faces, one square and 4 triangular faces, 3 faces, 2 of them circular, no edges, no …
the quotient of 144 ÷ 12:, 10 ÷ 2 = 5 what is the divisor?, the answer to a division problem, 81 ÷ 9 what is the dividend? (spell it out), to show …
mass doesn't do this no matter where it is, mass is measured in these units, a force caused by gravity pulling on your body, we show weight on an …
a fraction with a denominator of 10 or 100, a symbol used to separate the ones place and the tenths place in numbers and to separate the whole dollars …
the first decimal place, a whole number and a fraction combined, a number with a decimal point, representing parts of a whole, the symbol …
the written story of a person's life, the story of a person's life written by that person, the distance around the outside of an place or object, …
first letter of the greek alphabet, second letter of the greek alphabet, third letter of the greek alphabet, fourth letter of the greek alphabet, …
i have ... my horse since i was 11, she ... to my house last night, she has .... so secretive lately, they have ... the email already, tom ... a cake …
to wake up; to make somebody wake up, linking verb used when you are naming people or things, describing them or giving more information about them, …
any of the numbers from 0 to 9, the value of a digit based on its position in a number, the result of multiplying a number by an integer, a number …
a line goes straight up and down, a round figure, a figure with six straight sides, a solid, round figure, how wide something is in size, is used to …
smallest feature, has endpoints, has starting point but no endpoint, has no endpoints, measured in degrees, never intersect, intersect at 90 degrees, …
i washed the car by, the girl washed her hair by..., the children walk to school by..., we did our homework by..., the cat washed..., "david, get …
it's outside a school, we can play and do sports there, a place where teachers and students meet together to celebrate, a place where we do …
a trade or cooperation deal between two countries, a treaty involving three or more countries, a group allowing free trade and movement of labor, a …
a line segment connecting two points on a circle, a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides, the longest side of a right-angled triangle, a …
a bright color like the sun, moving on water without sinking, not with anyone else, the opposite of above, a red fruit often used in salads (tomato), …
figures that have same size and shape, two sides same length, all interior angles less than 90 degrees, transformation that is impossible with real …