Mathematics Revised Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: eighty one: value of a²+b²-2ab if a=9, b=0, zero: value of (x-y)(x+y)+(y+z)(y-z)+(z-x)(z+x), one: multiplication of monomials x², (-x)³, (-x) at x=-1, seven: if p²+q²=7pq, then what should come in the place of (?) for the expression p/q + q/p =?, twenty five: value of 5x when x=5, sixty four: if a=2, then volume of cube with side 2a, four: value of 5x²-3x³²+2x¹² at x=1, three: variable in expression x+3+zy, eleven: value of x²-5 at x=-4 is, thirty six: area of rectangle at a=1, whose length and breadth are 4a & 9a² respectively, trinomial: algebraic expression 3x+2y+6 is, eighty four: product of -7a & -12a, like terms: expression 2x², 9x² are called, five: degree in (y³-2)(y²+11), nine: value of (a²-b²) when a=-5, b=4, two: number of terms in expression 4xy-5, ten: coefficient in term 10xy