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Kids and School Crossword Puzzles
Free printable kids crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
the state of being strikingly different from something else, typically something in juxtaposition or close association, a statement or account that …
kind and pleasant; showing a disposition to be sociable and agreeable., in a gentle or quiet manner, with close attention to detail; cautiously, …
substances that can't be broken down, tiny packets of electromagnetic radiation or energy, two or substances that have combined together chemically to …
friction is a _ that opposes the motion of objects, when two surfaces of two objects rub against each other, _ exists, friction always acts _ the …
round things under a car, bus and bicycle, someone shout very loud, when you eat an banana, you should take off banana skin first,then you can eat, …
a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings, the time of the day between sunrise and sunset, the anniversary of the day on which a person was born, the …
an action, big-small-long-short, angry-sad-afraid-ashamed, aha-wow-aww-yuck, dog-aunt-rabbit-bear, and-but-for-nor-or-yet, …
a term that has no variable, an equation involving two or more variables, a relation that assigns exactly one value in the range to each value of the …
4th in the order of operations; the operation of determining how many times one quantity is contained in another; the inverse of multiplication, 6th …
to alter something, showing affection, not sinking, asking for something you want very much, having a conversation, walking a long distance, to ride a …
it is a push or a pull, the speed of an object in one direction, it is equal to 1/2 agt, the angle between the initial velocity of an object from a …
to say no to an invitation, to take part in something, to continue doing something, to end a relationship, to take care of something, to delay …
a type of game you must solve clues to win, a type of game you can play football or basketball in, where you lose to someone else, what you use to …
a 3d circle, a shape that has nine sides, an angle more than 90 degrees, a 3d rectangle, an angle less than 90 degrees, a 180 degree angle, an example …
type of sentence? where are you going?, words that are spelled the same are termed.., identify the time zone: they were all on time, which voice? the …
julia is very good at language. she _ (speak) four language very well, let's go out now. it isn't _ (rain) any more, the cost of living ..... (rise) …
food without meat and fish, time when you eat food, chinese, russian or american food (sushi, burger, blini), food is cooked with fire, unique food or …
i set the table with the silver _ , i want to _ my red hat tomorrow, the thief will _ your money if you are not careful, the ship's _ was damaged in …
this type of fossil is abundant and typically found around one time period, this type of rock never subducts, the large slabs of rock that the …
a male reproductive structure of flowers, mass divided by volume, an organism made up of cells that have a nucleus enclosed by a membrane, a naturally …
what points that all lie on a single line are called, what the point where two lines meet is called, what three or more lines are called when they …
the opposite of dirty, the opposite of shallow, the opposite of late, the opposite of near, the opposite of empty, the opposite of dark, the opposite …
moving speedily, past participle to "be", past tense of go, in a circle, contraction to do not, pay money for, to haul towards yourself, …
a straight line on a graph with a slope, the point of a graph labeled (0,0), a type of linear expression that is ax+by=c, it shows the distance …
a similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparison may be based, the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular …
potato _ _ _ _ _ are a snack food, a large boat, a prickly part of a plant, the area under your mouth, another word for store, furniture for sitting, …
bright, the thing that covers a mattress, a place to buy things, i am learning to tie my _ , to move something up and down or side to side quickly, an …
the part of the atom that moves in a wire to make electricity, the measurement of the flow of electrons, a type of energy made from the flow of …
a positive synonym of busy (with people), a negative synonym of busy (with people), this adjectives describes somewhere with lots of energy and …
arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention, achieved without great effort, having lived for a long time; no longer young, …