Homophones and Homonyms Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: rose : for valentines day i brought my crush a _ , beet : i scoop the _ of my plate, your : i drank _ milkshake last night, mouse : when i woke up there was a _ under my bed, won : our school _ the derby, there : _ goes the thief !, affected : i was _ by the calmness of the class, dyeing : my sister is _ her hair, addition : my baby brother is an new _ to the family, accept : i don`t like to _ gifts from people, hay : the horses on the farm eats _ , principal : the _ of our school is sometimes grumpy, allowed : i am not _ to drink soda, bean : eat that last green _ on your plate, hose : i use the _ to water the garden, flew : my grandmother _ from america to south africa, we`ll : _ do our homework everyday, fax : my mother will _ her work report, fare : amy has a _ skin tone.